Bio pest control:
13-in-1 eradicator and deodorant
Saniswiss biobug aHP K1 is an airborne insecticide that is effective in killing a wide variety of targets which including the following:
- 3 species of mosquitoes (including the tiger mosquito)
- Hornets
- Wasps
- Dust mites
- Food and clothes moth
- Flies (larvae and adults)
- House spiders
- Ants
- Cockroaches
- Fleas
- Ticks
- Bed bugs
- Scabies

Saniswiss biobug aHP K1 is compatible with four different types of surfaces, including two non-porous surfaces and two porous surfaces (wood and fabrics including cotton). aHP K1 will kill insects and dust mites in places where they pass and live, such as baseboards, pipes in cracks and chinks, under furniture, behind electrical equipment, around doors and windows, on curtains, lace curtains, hangings, carpets, textiles, clothes, bed bases, mattresses, wallpaper, and so on.
The insecticide aHP K1 has a 90-day residual effect after coming into contact with insects (180 days on certain targets).
Bio disinfection:
Who can benefit from our disinfection services?
- People suffering from Asthma
- People suffering from allergies
- People with respiratory problems
Additionally, our bio disinfection services create a healthy environment for:
- Women in pre and post pregnancy
- Newborns
- Elderly people
- Anyone seeking periodical high grade disinfection at
home or at work.
The steps undertaken for bio disinfection:
- Testing germ levels before an intervention
- Performing a manual disinfection in all critical and non-critical
areas and objects - Performing an airborne disinfection to complement the manual
disinfection in order to reach unreachable areas - Testing germ levels after completing the intervention
- Providing you and your family members with important information about good hygiene and disinfection practices in order to limit cross contamination hazards
- Replacing toxic and irritating cleaners and disinfectant that contain harmful chemicals with chemical free ecolabel bio cleaners and biodisinfectants
- A bio pest control treatment (dust mites, acarid) intervention available on demand for people suffering from allergies